
Friday, March 16, 2018

The Camera

The Camera
Are you ready with your Camera? Are you planning to get one? Before we start, let us first look at the different components of digital cameras, ranging from DSLRs to mirrorless to smartphones and understand the function of each component.
We will also look at current leading brands in digital photography.
(this might help you in choosing which brand to buy or upgrade after this course and no we are not endorsed by any brand, unfortunately).
Note: The general discussion for this section will revolve around DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex). You don't have to worry though. The basic principles of a camera applies to all types from DSLR to smartphones.
Now that you have a camera and is very eager to start shooting that photo with blurred background that everybody loves so much, let us together read the manuals that come in the box, with different languages (any polyglot nearby? 😁). We give you 5 days to do that then you can come back to this course...
kidding : )
Let us simplify that for you and show you how to handle your camera. We will look at how to hold your camera (really?) and the common settings for a digital camera that applies to any brand and model.

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